Level: Master
Start date: Autumn 2026
City: Jönköping
Credits: 120 credits
Degree: Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Built Environment specialisation in Sustainable Building Information Management
JU Direct Application (recommended), application period: 2025-10-15 - 2026-05-02
For those who apply through universityadmissions.se, application period: 2025-10-15 – 2026-01-15

About the programme:

Digitalisation is the single most significant change factor of our age. The built environment sector is the largest sector in most countries and is a key factor in the process of creating sustainable value, both for the client and for society. This programme gives you the knowledge needed to use and manage efficient product realisation processes supported by digital technologies in the built environment sector to create sustainability. This includes modelling, simulation, analysis, optimisation, visualisation, sharing, communicating, organising and managing processes for digitally driven value creation.


The sector is responsible for the realisation of the complex and very individualised products that make up the built environment, i.e. buildings, lighting systems, roads and water and sewer networks. Digitalisation in the built environment has entailed major developments and new applications.


There is a need for engineers who have specialist knowledge concerning Building Information Management (BIM) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the implementation of these technologies in the product realisation process. Graduates from the programme will support businesses and organisations in the built environment sector to integrate the steps in the product and production chain as well as contribute with the expertise needed for companies to remain competitive on both local and global basis.


The knowledge you gain will help you find work as a BIM engineer, BIM coordinator or BIM manager. Many of these roles did not exist until recently but are now considered key positions in many companies.


The School of Engineering, Jönköping University, is a member of the prestigious collaborative between leading engineering schools worldwide - the CDIO Initiative™. The CDIO Initiative is an innovative educational framework to conceive and develop a new vision of engineering education and for producing the next generation of engineers. More information, see CDIO

The programme is conducted at School of Engineering
Credits: 120 credits
Level: Master
Language: English
Rate of study: 100%
City: Jönköping
Place of study: Normal teaching
Start date: Autumn 2026
Selection: JU Direct Application: Admission is done continuously. For those who apply through universityadmissons.se: Selection is based on previous academic merits. Ranking is made in descending order.
Requirements: The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree (i.e., the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in construction engineering, civil engineering, built environment, architecture engineering, product development (with relevant courses in lighting design) or equivalent. The bachelor’s degree should comprise a minimum of 15 credits in mathematics and 7,5 credits in BIM or CAD 3D, or equivalent. Proof of English proficiency is required.
Application code: HJ-MU127
Degree: Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Built Environment specialisation in Sustainable Building Information Management
Tuition fee: For the first semester: 85000 SEK
Total tuition fee: 340000 SEK

Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students
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