Metals and Polymers Component
Manufacturing: Webinars
Free webinars for competence development in related industry
Upcoming webinars:
- June 4, 2024; 10:00-11:30: Manage the Damage, Part III: Revealing the effect of hidden damage in aluminium castings
- June 19, 2024; 10:00-11:30: Environmental impact efficient aluminium recycling
WEBLEARN is a project that was supported initially by KK-stiftelsen in Sweden (2020-2022). As of 2023, we continue the effort as the effort financially supported by the Dep. Materials and Manufacturing at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. The aim of WEBLEARN is to provide quick and effective competence development packages (free webinars) for metal and polymer industry – as two of the most commercially impactful sectors - at the advanced level. The developed skills are efficient tools for knowledge transfer and will equip industries with a quicker implementation of innovation, improving product quality, raising global competitiveness, as well as a quicker recovery after the crisis is over.
To develop and conduct a series of in-depth, quick and effective competence-development webinars (advanced level) targeting industrial challenges in the field of “component manufacturing” including metals and polymers (Material och Tillverkningsteknik).
Benefits for the participant
Compare to conventional long-term educational efforts, our webinars with specific topics will be short, “spot-on” and state-of-the-art knowledge transfer based on current industrial needs, that facilitates a quick impact to the industry. Moreover, WEBLEARN enables networking among professionals working in different industrial sectors that can lead to further intersectoral innovation and collaboration. For professionals working in the industry, WEBLEARN also offers access to our competent professors at JTH as well as international guest lecturers that will be involved in our webinars.
The plan
The project is kicked-off by reaching out to related metal and polymer industries within Sweden using an online survey, for the purpose of gathering the current needs for quick and online competence development. Accordingly, a series of webinars on related topics will be scheduled and categorized in various “modules”. The webinars in each module will be planned based on the progressive education method, but to provide more flexibility for participants, the modules will not be necessarily dependent to each other; i.e. a participant can join any modules without the need to attend previous modules necessarily.
How to participate
Each webinar has a separate registration page, which is required to be submitted in order to access the live (and eventually on-demand recorded) webinar. Information is provided as learning outcomes for participants to get a hint about the level of the webinar content (Advanced/Master level).

Project team
The management team as well as the JTH teachers/professors involved in the WEBLEARN have extensive experience in online educational activities, targeting professionals working in the industry (e.g. Gjutmagistern – Foundry Master – that is a running online Master Programme at JTH). This outlines a high level of success for a fast kick-off and implementation of WEBLEARN.
Note: The project WEBLEARN contains a broader topic compared to Gjutmagistern, including technical challenges in metal and polymer component manufacturing (not only foundry technology but also, for instance, machining, 3D printing, polymer component production, etc.).
Introduction to WEBLEARN
Webinars included in this module:
Alloy development
Webinars included in this module:
- On the search for high performance metals - high entropy alloys (Conducted on 2020-12-10)
- Accelerated alloy design strategies for industrial applications (Conducted on 2021-12-16)
- Design of Experiment (DOE) for alloy development (2 June 2022)
- More to come during 2021/22
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Focus on Aluminium surface
Webinars included in this module:
- Strategies for durability (Conducted on 2021-01-28)
- Challenges for durability (Conducted on 2021-05-20)
- Potential and challenges of anodizing (Conducted on 2021-06-03)
- Prediction and validation of corrosion resistance (Conducted on 2021-10-07)
- Light metal surface treatment for extreme conditions - Plasma electrolytic oxidation (Conducted on 2022-06-22)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Webinars included in this module:
- Achieving Quality in Injection Molding (Conducted on 2021-02-11)
- Polymer recycling - why a challenge? (Conducted on 2021-04-20)
- Barrier Properties with Polymers (Conducted on 2021-09-23)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Ferrous Metals
Webinars included in this module:
- Iron melting process and slag formation mechanisms (Conducted on 2021-02-25)
- Moulding materials for metal casting (Conducted on 2021-03-11)
- How to suppress the penetration of molten cast iron into sand mould (Conducted on 2021-05-06)
- Art of Metallography: Color etching (Conducted on 2021-06-15)
- Innovative solutions for advanced testing of foundry sands and moulding mixtures (2022-03-17)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Non-ferrous Alloys
Webinars included in this module:
- Routes to high integrity casting - a process overview (Conducted on 2021-03-23)
- Rheocasting - overview and comparison between processes (Conducted on 2021-04-08)
- Manage the Damage: A Holistic Approach to Metal Quality (Conducted on 2021-12-02)
- Obstacles and opportunities for circular material flow with a focus on Aluminium (2022-03-24)
- Rheocast vehicle chassis components in aluminium (2022-04-19)
- Fatigue Properties of Aluminum Castings : The Role of Both Visible and Hidden Damage (2022-06-14)
- The next generation brake discs (2023-04-14)
- Sustainable friction couple for electric vehicle applications: Performance evaluation (2023-12-12)
- Carbon footprint challenges and opportunities for the aluminium industry (2024-05-07)
- Manage the Damage, Part III: Revealing the effect of hidden damage in aluminium castings (2024-06-04)
- Environmental impact efficient recycling (2024-06-19)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Webinars included in this module:
- Design for casting: A foundryman's perspective (2021-08-26)
- Design for casting: A designer's perspective (2021-11-18)
- Design for casting: Let's DOE casting simulations! (Conducted on 2022-02-22)
- Design of Experiment (DOE) for alloy development (2022-06-02)
- Materials Testing 2.0 - The next generation of mechanical tests based on deformation imaging (2022-10-27)
- Exploring microstructure evolution of cast alloys in 3D space using phase-field simulation(2023-05-25)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Other related topics
Webinars included in this module:
- Temporary corrosion protection for transportation and storage (conducted on 2021-10-19)
- Electrification demands reliable electrical contacts (Conducted on 2022-02-10)
- Industrial Cleaning (2022-09-20)
- Diversity and equal opportunity in metal component manufacturing sector (2022-11-10)
- Perspectives on sustainability and sutainable manufacturing (2022-11-22)
- Competence provision in the metal industry - meeting the challenge from within (2023-11-29)
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Additive Manufacturing
Webinars included in this module:
See description of all webinars through the link below.
Contact us
We would be glad to hear your opinion and suggestions:
Project leader: Ehsan Ghassemali
Deputy leader: Madelene Zetterlind
Marketing and communication: Stefan Brolin, Daniel Sjödahl