Gregor Maxwell

Dr Maxwell received his PhD in 2012 from Jönköping University and is now an associate professor in inclusive and special education at UiT Norway’s Arctic University in Tromsø. He is engaged primarily with teaching and research within inclusive and special education. Gregor has considerable experience working on international projects having previously been involved in an FP6 research training network (MURINET). Currently he is working on the Erasmus+ project Promoting Informed Choices for All Young People (2019-1-UK01-KA201-061971) and is also actively engaged within the University of the Arctic thematic network developing a joint master programme (see: ) and also establishing and expanding a new UNITWIN/UNESCO network (see: ). Nationally Gregor is currently involved in the RELEMAST project at UiT studying Newly Qualified Teachers in Work and partner in the project Learning, Assessment and Boundary crossing in Teacher Education financed by the Norwegian Research Council.

Gregor teaches on the educational science (pedagogics) and inclusive education (special education) programmes delivering courses at bachelor and master level. Additionally he supervises bachelor, master, and doctoral students.

Gregor’s research interests centre on child participation with an inclusion focus. He has published nationally and internationally on themes related to child participation, school systems, and inclusion and diversity.


  • Antonsen, Yngve; Maxwell, Gregor; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise. «Det er et kjemperart system» – spesialpedagogikk, tilpasset opplæring og nyutdannede læreres kompetanse. [«It is a very strange system» - special education, adapted education, and newly qualified teachers’ competence.] Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge 2020. ISSN 1504-9922.
  • Maxwell, Gregor; Bakke, Jarle P. Schooling for Everyone: Norway's Adapted Approach to Education for Everyone. Lapland university press 2019 ISBN 978-952-337-135-4.s 89 - 108.
  • Maxwell, Gregor; Granlund, Mats; Augustine, Lilly. Inclusion Through Participation: Understanding Participation in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a Methodological Research Tool for Investigating Inclusion. Frontiers in Education 2018; Volum 3 (41). ISSN 2504-284X.s doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00041.
  • Maxwell, Gregor. Perspectives in Inclusive and Special Education. In Pedagogisk Mangfold – I et samfunnsperspektiv [Educational Diversity – in a societal perspective], V.D. Haugen & G. Stølen (eds) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-15-02819-4.s 165 - 187.
  • Maxwell, Gregor; Augustine, Lilly; Granlund, Mats. Does thinking and doing the same thing amount to involved participation? Empirical explorations for finding a measure of intensity for a third ICF-CY qualifier. Developmental Neurorehabilitation 2012; Volum 15 (4). ISSN 1751-8423.s 274 - 283.s doi: 10.3109/17518423.2012.689780