Doctoral courses
Jönköping International Business School offers a variety of doctoral courses in methodology, in the different subject areas within the programmes and in Jönköping International Business School focus areas. Below you find a list of courses given during the coming terms.
If you are interested in applying for one of our courses below please use the form Research course application and registration Word, 58.8 kB, opens in new window..
Dead-line for applying is 1 December to Spring courses and 1 June to Autumn courses.
JIBS is a member of the Swedish Graduate Program in Economics (Swegpec). Swegpec is a network for PhD programs in Economics. All PhD candidates in Economics can take PhD courses within SWEGPEC. External link, opens in new window.
Swedish Network of Advanced Business Studies (SNABS) is a network for offering PhD courses in Business Administration and Industrial Management. You find a list of possible PhD courses on the SNABS External link, opens in new window. web page.
Swedish Network for Graduate and Postgraduate Education in Statistics (GRAPES ) is a network for offering PhD courses and workshops in Statistics. You find a list of possible PhD courses on GRAPES External link, opens in new window. web page.
NORSI – Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is the research school for PhD students in the Nordic countries within the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. Link to NORSI External link, opens in new window..
Doctoral candidates in Informatics at JIBS are normally linked to the Research school for Marketing and IT (MIT). Information on courses within the school you will find here - MIT External link, opens in new window..
Spring 2023
Classics in Accounting External link, opens in new window., 3 ECTS credits (Hybrid course design)
Course leader: Professort Timur Uman
Starting date: 16th of May, 2023
Click on course titel for more information.
Autumn 2023
Applied Panel Data Econometrics, 7.5 credits
Course leader: Professor Almas Heshmati
Starting date:August 28 Pdf, 74 kB.
Course syllabus Pdf, 114.9 kB.
Classics in Entrepreneurship External link, opens in new window.
Led by professor Per Davidsson
Date: September 4, 11 and 18 at 9-12 am
Click on course titel for more information.
Classics in Organisation theory
Led by professor Tomas Müllern
Starting date: September 21 at 9-12 am
Course syllabus Pdf, 138 kB.
Mathematics for doctoral economics I, 7.5 credits
Led by Professor Scott Hacker
Starting date: September 7 Pdf, 71.3 kB, opens in new window.
Course syllabus Pdf, 105 kB.
Mathematics for doctoral economics II, 7.5 credits
Led by Professor Scott Hacker
Starting date: October 12 Pdf, 66 kB, opens in new window.
Course syllabus Pdf, 138.4 kB.
Macroeconomics I, 7.5 credits
Led by Professor Scott Hacker
Starting date: October 30
Course syllabus Pdf, 101.6 kB.
Strategy: Classics and Contemporary Research External link, opens in new window., 7.5 ECTS credits
Led by Senior Associate Professor Karin Hellerstedt (also teaching: Leona Achtenhagen, Olof Brunninge, Anders Melander, Daniel Pittino and Timur Uman)
Starting date: 20th of November
Click on course titel for more information.
Theoretical perspectives on business and industry transformation
Probability Theory, 7.5 credits
Led by Professor Kristofer Månsson
Starting date: TBD
Course syllabus Pdf, 125.2 kB.
Spring 2024
Classics in Marketing, 3 credits
Course leader: Associate Professort Adele Berndt
Starting date: March-April
Course syllabus
Macroeconomics II, 7.5 credits
Led by Professor Scott Hacker
Date: week 13 - 22
Course syllabus