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DISPUTATION - Vasilios Fourlakidis

16 januari - 16 januari

10:00 - 13:00

E1405 Gjuterisalen JTH

<p><strong>Titel: </strong><em>Dendritic Morphology and Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pearlitic Lamellar Graphite Iron</em><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong> Vasilios Fourlakidis<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne:</strong> Material och Tillverkningsprocesser<br /><strong>Opponent:</strong> Docent Carlos A. Silva Ribeiro, University of Porto, Portugal<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare:</strong> Professor Attila Di&oacute;szegi, JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>V&auml;lkomna!</p>
16 januari - 16 januari
10:00 - 13:00


E1405 Gjuterisalen JTH


DISPUTATION - Vasilios Fourlakidis

Titel: Dendritic Morphology and Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pearlitic Lamellar Graphite Iron
Respondent: Vasilios Fourlakidis
Forskarutbildningsämne: Material och Tillverkningsprocesser
Opponent: Docent Carlos A. Silva Ribeiro, University of Porto, Portugal
Huvudhandledare: Professor Attila Diószegi, JTH, Jönköping University


Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

Seminarium kring nyttiggörande för doktorander (3)

17 januari - 17 januari

11:30 - 13:30

Science Park

<p>Med start i oktober erbjuder Science Park tre seminarier/workshopar p&aring; temana immateriella tillg&aring;ngar, id&eacute;generering samt att starta f&ouml;retag/skapa nytta. Seminarierna &auml;r &ouml;ppna f&ouml;r alla doktorander vid J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Det h&auml;r &auml;r det tredje tillf&auml;llet och har temat&nbsp;<strong>Starta f&ouml;retag/skapa nytta</strong>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>F&ouml;r mer information och anm&auml;lan, klicka&nbsp;<a href="">h&auml;r</a>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>OBS! Anm&auml;lan ska ske senast en vecka innan respektive seminarium</p>
17 januari - 17 januari
11:30 - 13:30


Science Park


Seminarium kring nyttiggörande för doktorander (3)

Med start i oktober erbjuder Science Park tre seminarier/workshopar på temana immateriella tillgångar, idégenerering samt att starta företag/skapa nytta. Seminarierna är öppna för alla doktorander vid Jönköping University.


Det här är det tredje tillfället och har temat Starta företag/skapa nytta.


För mer information och anmälan, klicka här.


OBS! Anmälan ska ske senast en vecka innan respektive seminarium

Arrangör: Extern arrangör


18 januari - 18 januari

12:00 - 13:30

Campus Arena

<p>Den 18 januari &auml;r du v&auml;lkommen till J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Universitys v&auml;lkomstm&auml;ssa f&ouml;r b&aring;de nya och befintliga studenter i Campus Arena kl. 12.00-13.30.<br />M&auml;ssan &auml;r ett bra tillf&auml;lle f&ouml;r dig som ny student att komma i kontakt med representanter fr&aring;n J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University, som International Relations Office, Studiev&auml;gledare, Career Center, Studenth&auml;lsan, H&ouml;gskolebiblioteket, studentf&ouml;reningar, IT-service m.m. Studentk&aring;rens m&aring;nga studentf&ouml;reningar kommer finnas representerade samt &auml;ven n&aring;gra f&ouml;retag som visar upp vad J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping som stad har att erbjuda.<br /><br />&nbsp;</p>
18 januari - 18 januari
12:00 - 13:30


Campus Arena



Den 18 januari är du välkommen till Jönköping Universitys välkomstmässa för både nya och befintliga studenter i Campus Arena kl. 12.00-13.30.
Mässan är ett bra tillfälle för dig som ny student att komma i kontakt med representanter från Jönköping University, som International Relations Office, Studievägledare, Career Center, Studenthälsan, Högskolebiblioteket, studentföreningar, IT-service m.m. Studentkårens många studentföreningar kommer finnas representerade samt även några företag som visar upp vad Jönköping som stad har att erbjuda.


Arrangör: Jönköping University

Docentföreläsning Anette Svensson

18 januari - 18 januari

13:00 - 14:30


<p>Fredagen den 18 januari h&aring;ller <strong>Anette Svensson</strong> sin docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning med titeln<strong> </strong><strong>&quot;Fr&aring;n &ouml;vers&auml;ttningsv&auml;rldar till textuniversum&quot;</strong></p><p>F&ouml;rel&auml;sningen h&aring;lls under ca. 45 minuter och avrundas med en mingel.</p>
18 januari - 18 januari
13:00 - 14:30




Docentföreläsning Anette Svensson

Fredagen den 18 januari håller Anette Svensson sin docentföreläsning med titeln "Från översättningsvärldar till textuniversum"

Föreläsningen hålls under ca. 45 minuter och avrundas med en mingel.

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Sara Goico: Doctoral Dissertation Defense

18 januari - 18 januari

19:00 - 21:00

Online Zoom-meeting

<p><strong>Sara Goico&nbsp;will sit for her Ph.D. Dissertation Defense</strong></p><p>on her doctoral dissertation<strong> &quot;The Social Lives of Deaf Youth in Iquitos, Peru&quot;</strong></p><p>on Jan 18, 2019, 10:00 am&nbsp;in SSRB 340 (7 PM Central European &amp; Swedish time)</p><p><strong>You can participate onlie by joining</strong> Zoom Meeting<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br /><!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->Join by SIP<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->Join by Skype for Business<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><br /><!--[endif]--><br />Distinguished Professor John Haviland, Department of Anthropology</p><p>Professor Emeritus Kathryn Woolard, Department of Anthropology&nbsp;</p><p>Professor Nancy Postero, Department of Anthropology&nbsp;</p><p>Professor Emeritus Hugh Mehan,&nbsp;Department of Sociology and Education Studies</p><p>Associate Professor Emeritus&nbsp;Tom Humphries, Department of Communication and Education Studies</p><p>Professor Susan Goldin-Meadow, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In this dissertation, I examine the social and communicative lives of deaf youth in Iquitos, Peru using a language socialization approach that combines ethnographic research with interactional analysis. I illustrate this approach using the data of three deaf boys, Luis, Jos&eacute;, and Jeremy, whom I met while observing their regular education mainstream classroom in 2014. All three boys were similar in that they had no previous access to an established language. Their deafness precluded access to spoken Spanish, they had not received hearing assistive technology, and had not been exposed to Peruvian Sign Language.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Based on the existing literature, I began my research in Iquitos under the assumption that the deaf youth I would meet would be cut-off from the surrounding social world and would neither share a language with the individuals around them, nor have any language at all. Yet,&nbsp;through my ethnographic fieldwork, I found that these boys had remarkably rich social and communicative lives. They were integral members of their households, had friends whom they played with and had crushes on, were frequent customers at the family run shops in their neighborhoods, and attended school where they were busy doing the work of being students. The interactional analyses illustrate how the boys use their manual communication systems to navigate the distinct affordances provided by their home and school environments.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In this dissertation, I demonstrate how the language socialization paradigm provides an important advance to studying the communication of deaf individuals without access to an existing language. The language socialization approach sheds light on how these sign systems are co-created in interaction with a community of individuals and rely on a variety of communicative resources, including manual signs, vocalizations, eye gaze, body orientation, and the manipulation of objects. Additionally, this dissertation addresses the future possibilities for deaf youth growing up in Iquitos. I advocate for providing deaf youth with access to Peruvian Sign Language, as well as grassroots community efforts to address the numerous structural barriers that deaf individuals face as they move into adulthood in Iquitos.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
18 januari - 18 januari
19:00 - 21:00


Online Zoom-meeting


Sara Goico: Doctoral Dissertation Defense

Sara Goico will sit for her Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

on her doctoral dissertation "The Social Lives of Deaf Youth in Iquitos, Peru"

on Jan 18, 2019, 10:00 am in SSRB 340 (7 PM Central European & Swedish time)

You can participate onlie by joining Zoom Meeting

Join by SIP
Join by Skype for Business

Distinguished Professor John Haviland, Department of Anthropology

Professor Emeritus Kathryn Woolard, Department of Anthropology 

Professor Nancy Postero, Department of Anthropology 

Professor Emeritus Hugh Mehan, Department of Sociology and Education Studies

Associate Professor Emeritus Tom Humphries, Department of Communication and Education Studies

Professor Susan Goldin-Meadow, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago  


In this dissertation, I examine the social and communicative lives of deaf youth in Iquitos, Peru using a language socialization approach that combines ethnographic research with interactional analysis. I illustrate this approach using the data of three deaf boys, Luis, José, and Jeremy, whom I met while observing their regular education mainstream classroom in 2014. All three boys were similar in that they had no previous access to an established language. Their deafness precluded access to spoken Spanish, they had not received hearing assistive technology, and had not been exposed to Peruvian Sign Language.


Based on the existing literature, I began my research in Iquitos under the assumption that the deaf youth I would meet would be cut-off from the surrounding social world and would neither share a language with the individuals around them, nor have any language at all. Yet, through my ethnographic fieldwork, I found that these boys had remarkably rich social and communicative lives. They were integral members of their households, had friends whom they played with and had crushes on, were frequent customers at the family run shops in their neighborhoods, and attended school where they were busy doing the work of being students. The interactional analyses illustrate how the boys use their manual communication systems to navigate the distinct affordances provided by their home and school environments.


In this dissertation, I demonstrate how the language socialization paradigm provides an important advance to studying the communication of deaf individuals without access to an existing language. The language socialization approach sheds light on how these sign systems are co-created in interaction with a community of individuals and rely on a variety of communicative resources, including manual signs, vocalizations, eye gaze, body orientation, and the manipulation of objects. Additionally, this dissertation addresses the future possibilities for deaf youth growing up in Iquitos. I advocate for providing deaf youth with access to Peruvian Sign Language, as well as grassroots community efforts to address the numerous structural barriers that deaf individuals face as they move into adulthood in Iquitos. 


Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Docentföreläsning Zlatan Filipovic

25 januari - 25 januari

13:00 - 14:30


<p>Fredagan den 25 januari h&aring;ller <strong>Zlatan Filipovic</strong> sin docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning med titeln <strong>&quot;From Jouissance to Shame&quot;.</strong></p><p>F&ouml;rel&auml;sningen h&aring;lls under ca. 45 minuter och avrundas med en mingel.</p>
25 januari - 25 januari
13:00 - 14:30




Docentföreläsning Zlatan Filipovic

Fredagan den 25 januari håller Zlatan Filipovic sin docentföreläsning med titeln "From Jouissance to Shame".

Föreläsningen hålls under ca. 45 minuter och avrundas med en mingel.

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation