Environmental work and sustainable development
The School of Engineering have been environmentally certificated by Jönköping Municipality since October 2013. This means that we work actively with questions concerning environmental issues, in a structured manner.
The following summary shows the kinds of issues the School of Engineering are involved in regarding sustainability:
- Implement sustainability in teaching and research
- Improve opportunities for web-meetings and distance teaching
- Find ways to limit the environmental impact of staff business trips
- Increase on-site recycling
- Remove dangerous chemicals and actively work for safer handling of chemicals
- Follow up environmental certification of our suppliers
- Educate and inform staff in sustainable development
The environmental work is driven by the environment officer, through the Environmental Board which meets regularly during the semesters. The Environmental Board consists of representatives from every department, as well as HI TECH.
The School of Engineering follows a common environmental policy Pdf, 78 kB, opens in new window. (SWE), purchasing policy
Pdf, 1.2 MB, opens in new window. (SWE) and travel regulations
Pdf, 25.7 kB, opens in new window. (SWE) which are implemented by Jönköping University as a whole. The university’s travel regulations and purchasing policy also advocate that respect to the environment should be shown when organising business trips.
You can read more about environmental certification on Jönköping Municipality’s website External link, opens in new window..
- Lecturer
- School of Engineering
- jonelija.zelic@ju.se