Academic Partner: School of Engineering
Industrial Partners: Swerim AB External link, opens in new window., Bryne AB
External link, opens in new window., Gränges Finspång AB
External link, opens in new window., Hydro Extrusion Sweden AB
External link, opens in new window., Kubikenborg Aluminium AB, Stena Aluminium AB
External link, opens in new window.
Financiers: Vinnova, Metallic Materials External link, opens in new window.
Duration of the project: 2022-2025
Team of researchers:
Anders Jarfors, Professor
Taishi Matsushita, Assoc Prof.

Klimatanpassat Renat Aluminium, KliRAl.
How to create a climate-neutral, circular and resource-efficient production of both primary and secondary aluminum.
The aim is to create the conditions for a climate-neutral, circular and resource-efficient production of aluminum by separating pollutant elements for both primary and secondary aluminum.
The goal of the project is to develop an efficient treatment technology for both primary aluminum and secondary aluminum and to be value-creating for the users of the purification process.
Expected results
At the end of the project, a purification process for carbon dioxide-free primary aluminum production with a high Fe content must be demonstrated on a lab scale.
For secondary aluminum purification, process paths must be demonstrated with intended base- or master-alloys identified, linked to industrial needs.
For durability and circularity, separate residues, such as filtrate, decanted melt or solid phase, must have deposits such as base- or master-alloys or other products and analyzed from a scaling perspective.
For more information
- Professor Materials and Manufacturing - Casting
- School of Engineering
- anders.jarfors@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1651
Are you interested in a future collaboration?
- External Relations Manager
- School of Engineering
- linda.bergqvist@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1074