CEnSE Research Grant
The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics (CEnSE) is offering two research grants for supporting JIBS faculty with a PhD to conduct a research project in line with the centre’s focus areas. The expected outcome of such CEnSE investment is at least one publication in an ABS 3 (or above) journal from each grant recipient. The funding can cover salary costs for research time up to 20 percent of a fulltime position for maximum two years.
Applications should be submitted by May 24, 2019 to cense@ju.se with subject “CEnSE Research Grant”, including the following information in one pdf document: 1) Abstract (maximum 200 words) 2) Project description including background, purpose and research questions, study design and method, contribution to research and practice, relevance for CEnSE (maximum 2000 words, excluding references) 3) Time plan and target journal(s) 4) References for the project description 5) List of applicant’s publications that are relevant for the project (maximum 10) 6) CV Applications will be evaluated by scholars within CEnSE focus areas. The research grant is conditioned on the approval of the immediate manager (ADF or the Dean). Since the autumn teaching plan is set, working plan changes are generally not possible until January 2020 at the earliest. We welcome applicants from all disciplines!